I decided to study medicine because, somehow, I always interested in the human body, I like to look at organs and more the brain, understand from the physical and the mental.
I love trying to understand the functioning of every organ of the body, disease and how they can fight. Besides that there is only one doctor in the family, trying to be the next. My mother always told me that I had to help people come to understand and eh that although they do not say thanks, it is good to see the happy face people knowing that I help them.
I've noticed that I'm here for others, for me today and tomorrow for you, maybe that's the point of why I'm here, I never understood the meaning of my life, after all I have to help others I like to do, so this bad my life, I'm glad to see others in good health.
Besides all that, there is nothing unusual, but for some reason I like blood, I like to see and feel, not a bad thing, but something I can not explain.
One of my idols was a doctor and perhaps is another reason why I want to study, that idol is Jack the Ripper.
And could do with being an afterthought, the money earned by a physician, earns a good salary and leave me in good condition.
I especializare in neurosurgery, but although the drug is a study for which I will be specialized, I would love to also study philosophy, neuroethics, psychology, genetics and anesthesiology.